Vincent Stirrings

Belong. Believe. Become. 

Come as You are 

We exist as a congregation to: 'Go and make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Sunday Morning Educational Ministries.
There is room at the table. Come as you are!
9:00 a.m (Sept-May)
Sunday School - Children
Youth Group
Sunday School - Adults
Wednesday Morning Small Group
Currently taking a break.
Wednesday Evening Small Group - New Book
This group will not meet regularly during the summer months.
Prayer Chain
If you have a Prayer Request, please know you can contact Judith at: or 701-484-1237.  You may also contact the office and we'll get the information forwarded to Judith.
Dakotas Annual Conference
June 6-8 is the Dakotas United Methodist Church Annual Conference in Bismarck.  Scott Evanoff, Lisa Luft, and Judy Roed are Lay Delegates representing Vincent UMC.
I will be the clergy delegate from Vincent.  
Possible New Teams Developing
Worship Design Team
Greeter/Usher/Radical Hospitality Team

Is God nudging you to be part of a team that helps to design worship and/or welcome with a radical hospitality?
As we continue to grow in our love of God and neighbor, we continue to seek opportunities to care for people who are here, while reaching beyond the walls and strengthening relationships with those who might not yet experience the life-freeing power of a relationship with Jesus.
I'd like to invite you to pray about the possibility of developing these teams as we continue to grow and move forward.    
It is a joy and privilege to serve Jesus with you!

Mark E.

Heroes of the Bible 

Mowing & Watering Schedules
Signups for Mowing and Watering are in the entry area.  There are good options available.
Prayer Names
As people of faith we pray.
Every week, we have dozens of names and circumstances identified for prayer.
As we continually monitor this, we continue to evaluate how we best communicate prayer concerns and wishes in a respectful, faithful manner.  
Weather Updates/Schedule Disruptions
I'm hoping Spring is here!  :-)
When we do have challenging weather, as long as we can safely have an audio/visual person, musician, and myself, we will hold worship.
My suggestion is to error on the side of safety if there are questions.
During weather disruptions, we give thanks for the opportunity to be able to stream worship on Facebook, through our website, and on Youtube.  
If there are questions or disruptions, the quickest way for us to communicate schedule disruptions or changes is through our Vincent Facebook page.  (My cell number is 701-500-6773).
More and more we're finding that the news stations prefer to share the information via their website.
If there is an ACTIVE blizzard warning, the church office will be closed unless otherwise noted.
Dinner & a Jesus Story 
 June 24th @ 6:00 pm  
Kid's activities available
At Dinner Church, people gather around tables for food, fellowship, and faith.
Everyone is welcome for Food, Fellowship, and Faith.
Warming House
Thanks you to everyone involved in helping to feed people in our community who are housing insecure. Your efforts are making a difference in people's lives.  
This coming Tuesday will be the last Warming House meal until the fall.  
Congregational Care Ministry
Lisa Luft, R.N. is heading up this ministry.  Her new email is:
We can also help you connect with Lisa through the Vincent office (701-838-4425).
If you have questions about any of this, please feel free to reach out.  

In the Hospital
We are intentional about checking the hospital roster every weekday. Even so, please do not hesitate to let us know if you or someone you care about is in the hospital, or has a hospital event scheduled.  We don't always find out about a hospitalization, and sometimes we only find out after the fact.  The church's number is 701-838-4425.  Please know we appreciate knowing you are in the hospital.
The church phone is answered from 8 am to noon and 1 - 5 pm Monday through Friday.  If a message is left at the church, we seek to return the call in a timely manner.  If a message is left outside of office hours the call will likely not be returned until the following day or Monday.

My cell # is: 701-500-6773.
We try to have this covered all the time.  If you call or text, a message will be returned in a timely manner.
Building Maintenance Updates
Heating and Cooling:  Johnson Controls has started preparing for their work to modernize our internal heating and cooling systems.
Through this process, we anticipate:
1) Gaining some control over the sanctuary temperature, and
2) Updating the electronics in the system so questions can more likely be addressed and solved.  
Water Mitigation:  We have had people on the roof, in the sanctuary, and in the basement working to develop a reasonable, faithful plan of action to mitigate the water issues that have surfaced.  
Vincent UMC Goals
Is there a goal area that might interest you? Reach out and let's visit.
Our Goal areas are:
Goal 1: Update/Clarify a church directory (including our membership list)
Goal 2: Develop a Year-Round plan for Stewardship
Goal 3: Further Develop a Worship Team
Goal 4: Children and Youth Ministry
Goal 5: Begin a 3 Year Small Group Development Process
Goal 6: Caring / Visitation Ministries (this could also possibly include a digital discipleship component)
Goal 7:  Survey community partners
Please pray for guidance, unleashing, and progress in these goals in ways that help to further the Kingdom.  

Vincent Cares 

We exist as a congregation to:
 'Make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.'  

Where God is nudging you

We now have 7 identified goal areas identified if God might be nudging you to take a step forward in ministry.  This is something we can only make progress on if we work on these goals together.